
In Langue
Learning French Vocabulary

Best Strategies for Learning French Vocabulary Effectively

On 17/02/2025

Learning French vocabulary can feel overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can expand your word bank efficiently and retain words long-term. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, using a combination of flashcards, interactive tools, reading, listening, and daily immersion will help you memorize vocabulary faster and recall it more naturally in conversations.

In Langue
27 le gaulois

La langue gauloise, une origine du français

On 26/01/2025

La langue gauloise, parlée par les peuples celtes avant la conquête romaine, a laissé une empreinte durable sur la langue française. Et bien que le gaulois ait progressivement disparu au profit du latin à partir du Ier siècle avant J.-C., de nombreux mots d’origine gauloise subsistent encore en français moderne.

In Langue
13 parroting

Discover the Parroting Technique

On 05/08/2024

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, but with the right techniques, it can also be a rewarding, fun and enjoyable experience. One such effective technique is parroting. In this blog post, we'll explore what parroting is, how it can benefit your French learning journey, and how you can use it with resources like the podcasts available on